Open to the Public

Events Open to the Public.

Patricia Cukor-Avila help celebrate Black History Month with commentary and screening of the film “Talking Black in America”.

The documentary “Talking Black in America” Talking Black in America follows the unique circumstances of the descendants of American slaves and their incredible impact on American life and language. Speech varieties from the African American community reflect the imprint of African language systems, the influences of regional British and Southern American dialects, and the creativity and resilience of people living through oppression, segregation and the fight for equality.

Test Event Item 7

Donec vel pulvinar nisl. Etiam tristique eros quis lobortis cursus. Etiam at fermentum libero, sit amet varius dui. Aliquam et aliquet velit. Mauris vitae rhoncus leo. Phasellus volutpat pharetra risus, ac iaculis tortor. Nullam posuere turpis nec imperdiet vestibulum. Praesent ac venenatis nulla. Aliquam ultricies tristique diam ut hendrerit. Etiam nec sagittis tellus, tincidunt finibus metus.
