Arielle Turner

Arielle Turner

Alumni Highlight: Arielle Turner, Ph.D. Applied Technology and Performance Improvement, 2020

Arielle is the Technology Manager at Liberty Christian School in Argyle, TX. That means she oversees all aspects of the technology department including networking, learning management systems, IT helpdesk, and A/V needs. In that role, she uses her M.S. in Human Resource Development from UT, Tyler, and her Ph.D. in ATPI with a minor in Educational Psychology to focus on course development, measurement and statistics in her organization.
During her time in the Department of Learning Technologies, she appreciated Dr. Jeff Allen’s mentorship and guidance on her research. Her dissertation focused on the veteran population and whether distance learning or in-person learning was more effective for them.  She says that he helped her find her voice as both a student and professional. She developed her skills in project management, teaching and curriculum design as well as evaluation of teaching assessment and effectiveness through the Graduate Student Teaching Excellence Program. What’s next for Arielle? She plans to provide her talents to other organizations through some consulting work while continuing to grow in her career at Liberty Christian School.