Alumni News

Aundrea Caraway

Aundrea Caraway


Aundrea Caraway, the Online Student Experience Manager at UNT, is a seasoned speaker with over 7 years of experience in educational technology within student affairs. Holding a BS in Accounting, an MBA, and a recent MS in Learning Technologies, she seamlessly transitioned to her current role....

Travis Kimpler

Travis Kimpler


Travis Kimpler graduated with a BA in History and English from Texas State University in 2016 before earning his MS in Library Science from UNT in 2022. His journey led him to become a Law Librarian at Travis County Law Library. Travis initially interned with the Texas Legal Services Centre...

Marissa Criswell

Marissa Criswell


Marissa Criswell was a high school biology teacher in Katy ISD when she began collaborating with the school library on projects for her classes. The librarians in her school encouraged her to consider moving into the library, which brought her to UNT’s Master of Library Science program with the...

Laura Tadena

Laura Tadena


Laura (she/her/ella) is currently the Community Engagement Librarian at Austin Public Library in Austin, Texas. She says this position allows her to engage and build relationships with the community while also taking on exciting projects at the library. The position also builds upon her previous...
