2019 Srinagar Burushaski: A Descriptive and Comparative Account with Analyzed Texts. In Language and Linguistics series published by Brill (Leiden, The Netherlands).
Web-based archives and/or digital corpora[1]
- 2016 Burushaski Language Resource, a digital collection of Burushaski oral literature available at URL
Funded by NSF-DEL (2010, 2016)
- 2015 Burushaski Language Documentation Project, a searchable web portal which hosts a variety of research and pedagogical materials on the Burushaski language. Available at URL (funded by NSF-DEL 2010)
- 2014 Kashmir Oral History Project, a searchable web portal for an ongoing documentation project. The contents include a digital collection of personal narratives on Kashmir conflict. Available at (Initial funding by Charn Uswachoke Research Fund, 2013)
- 2016 Koshur Bolbosh: Kashmiri Language Resources, an online web portal which provides language resources on Kashmiri language and literature. Available at
Articles published in Peer-Reviewed Journals
2015 “Advances in Burushaski Linguistics” In Journal of South Asian Linguistics. Mouton de
Gruyter. (review article). 2 (2): 251-61.
2014 “Poetic Traditions of Kashmir”. In Oxford Islamic Studies Online. Oxford University Press. (1-5)
2012 “The Metrical Structure of Kashmiri Vanivun”. In Ars Metrica. Budapest: ELTE. (05; 1-36)
2012 “Weight Sensitivity and Syllable Codas in Srinagar Koshur” paper co-authored with Megan J Crowhurst (second author). In Journal of Linguistics, Cambridge University Press, July 2012 issue, vol. 48.2 (p. 427-472)
2010 “Contact-Induced Language Change in a Trilingual Context: The Case of
Burushaski in Srinagar”. In Diachronica - International Journal of Historical Linguistics.
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, Volume 27.1, Pp. 32-72
2009 “Two Locations for Negation: Evidence from Kashmiri”, paper co-authored with Rajesh Bhatt (second author). In Linguistic Variation Yearbook. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, Volume 9: Pp. 205-239.
Invited Publications (selected)
2006 “Indo-Aryan languages”. In Keith Brown (ed.) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (ELL), 2nd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier Limited. Pp. 626-632.
2006 “Kashmiri”. In Keith Brown (ed.) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Edition.
Oxford: Elsevier Limited. Pp. 156-158
2006 “Dardic”. In Keith Brown (ed.) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Edition.
Oxford: Elsevier Limited. Pp. 354-356
2005 “Aspects of Kashmiri folk poetics: meter and rhythm”. In, English Studies in India, Vol
XIII March 2005, Department of English, University of Kashmir. Pp. 111-126
Book Chapters (peer-reviewed)
2020 “Language, Religion and Identity Politics in Kashmir”. In Reeta Chowdhari
Trumblay and
Mohita Bhatia (eds.) Religion and Politics in Jammu and Kashmir. Routledge: Taylor and Francis Group. Pp. 176-194.
Under Review
2020 “Illustrations of IPA: Mankiyali”. In Journal of International Phonetic Association. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (11 pages)
Work In Progress (in order of expected date of completion, beginning the one closest to completion)
Burushaski Text Collections. A collection of linguistically transcribed and morphologically analyzed texts in four t dialects of Burushaski with English translations (for submission to Himalayan Linguistics).
Web-based archives and/or digital corpora
2020 Mankiyali Language Resource, a digital collection of Mankiyali oral literature to be available at the Digital Collections Library of UNT. URL
Funded by NSF-DEL (2018)
Article for peer-reviewed journals
- “Vowel Harmony in Kashmiri” for submission in Diachronica.
- “Pro-Drop and Agreement in Kashmiri” (with Karla Villarreal).
Translation Studies
- An anthology of Kashmiri folk poems transcribed in (modified) Roman alphabet with English translations. (Some of these are available at )