The College of Information is home to a number of research centers and labs, including:

Research Centers

Data Science & Industry Innovation (DSII) Center is a interdisciplinary research and industry collaboration among faculty and students in the College of Information at UNT for strengthening related academic programs in the undergraduate and graduate levels. The research and industry collaboration in the center will help attract the very best students to UNT. 

The Institute for the Integration of Technology into Teaching and Learning (IITTL), housed at the University of North Texas is chartered by the UNT Council of Deans to conduct research and implement best practices in the area of teaching and learning with technology.

Texas Center for Educational Technology (TCET) was legislatively established in 1988 after a competitive grant process between all the major universities in Texas. TCET is a nationally recognized center in research and development of educational technology. TCET focuses on projects and collaborations based on how people learn, think, and create. The research map for the future of TCET is always expanding outward to new places and ideas.  
