External/Federal Grants


2018-2022 Documentation of Endangered Languages program (DEL), National Science Foundation
  Project Title: Investigation of Tonogenesis and Consonant Inventories through Language Documentation”. (PI/Project Director)($284,700)




2016 NSF-DEL Supplemental Award for conducting an orthography workshop on Burushaski language and inviting a visiting scholar from Pakistan to UNT. (PI/Project Director) ($10,840)
2010-2015 Documentation of Endangered Languages program (DEL), National Science Foundation Project Title: “Archive of Annotated Burushaski Texts” (PI/Project Director) (Amount: $163, 000)
2004-2005  National Science Foundation, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant Project Title: "Jammu & Kashmir Burushaski: Language, Language Contact and Change" (Amount: $12, 000)

Submitted/Not funded

2016 NEH/Humanities Collections and Reference Program Project Title: “Preserving for Posterity: Documentation of Endangered Manuscripts of Kashmir”Amount requested: $50,000 Status: Revise and resubmit

Intramural Grants and Funding at UNT

2019 Global Venture Fund, UNT (Amount: $3,000) (PI) (To conduct a one-day symposium on the endangered folk traditions of Kashmir and adjoining areas, and submit an external grant proposal in NEH to document the endangered musical traditions of the region)
2019 COI Seed Grant, UNT (Amount: $3,500) (PI) (To work towards an external grant proposal in NEH to document the endangered musical traditions of South Asia, with special focus on Kashmir)


2018 India Venture Fund, University of North Texas ($7500). (PI) (Award allowed the PI to take a group of UNT graduate students on a research trip to India in summer 2018 to collect data and information about the endangered manuscripts of Kashmir).
2017 UNT College of Information Seed Grant ($5000) (co-PI) (This award is for a proposal to develop infrastructure for Computational Resources for South Asian Languages (with Shobhana Chelliah (PI), Alexis Palmer, Christina Wasson, Rodney Neilson, and Jiangping Chen).
2013 Charn Uswachoke Research Development Grant, UNT ($6000) (PI) For the (ongoing) Kashmir Oral History project documenting personal narratives of Kashmir conflict. Project website: https://kashmiroralhistory.org/
2008 Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, UNT ($5000) For working on an external grant proposal to document Burushaski.
2008 Faculty Research Grant, UNT ($5000) For conducting linguistic fieldwork on Burushaski.
2007 Faculty Research Grant, UNT ($5000) For studying contact-induced language change in Burushaski.
2007 Junior Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, UNT ($5000) For writing a research paper on Burushaski language contact.
2006 New Faculty Research Grant, UNT ($5000) For conducting linguistic research.

Other Awards, Recognitions and Grants

2019-2020 Leadership Fellow, University of North Texas
2005 University Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin.
2005 Myerson's Grant, UT Austin For presenting a research paper at a conference.
2003 Liberal Arts Graduate Research Fellowship, UT Austin For conducting fieldwork for doctoral research
2002 Professional Development Award, UT Austin For presenting at a conference
2001 South Asia Institute Travel Grant, UT Austin For presenting a research paper at an international conference in Germany
1999-2001 Junior Research Fellowship, University Grants Commission of India.(The fellowship is a result of a national competition and very few awards are made countrywide).
1999 Shri Uggrasain Gold Medal, University of Delhi (For being a topper in the MA program in Linguistics at DU)
1999 Shri R. N. Shrivastava Gold Medal, University of Delhi (For exceptional performance in MA in Linguistics at DU)