UNT Alumni Association

  • Are you already a member of the UNT Alumni Association? If yes, great! If not, here is the link to join. There are several options, so choose the one that you prefer. Being a member of this organization opens the door to many free and reduced-price activities, opportunities to network, and ways to get involved in our community.
  • Our mission is to engage alumni in the life of the university and support them through every stage of life. By offering programs and benefits that are relevant to alumni constituents and are in the best interests of UNT, the Alumni Association will foster lifelong relationships that support a strong legacy of civically engaged community leaders.

COI Alumni Club

Welcome College of Information alumni from all departments! Whether you graduated from the Linguistics, Learning Technologies, or Information Science departments, we are glad you are here. Our club joins some of the UNT alumni activities together and plans some COI only alumni activities each year. Would you like to be a part of it?

Our COI club is about YOU! You can be as involved as you want to be:
  • We will have at least 3 club hosts to work with me on objectives and goals important to us.
  • We will have committees to plan events.
  • We will keep and update an alumni newsletter mailing list to keep you informed.
  • You can simply come and meet up with your fellow alumni and professors now and then.
  • Club Host: Serve on hosting committee for one year; meet once a semester with other hosts and COI representative to plan events
  • Club Chair: Chosen by hosts as leader of group; serve as club chair for two years; send out communication to hosts about meetings; communicate events to alumni; attend all meetings of hosts
  • Ad hoc committee member: Join planning committee for two events per year; coordinate event dates, times, activities, and communication working with the hosts
  • Member at Large: Joins at least one activity per year, either UNT or COI sponsored; receives communication about all events; acts as a UNT ambassador in the community
  • General Member: Receives the newsletter; may or may not attend any events

Alumni Clubs

Club Requirements:
  • UNT alumni clubs are formed to bring visibility and pride to UNT by participating in community events as a UNT alumni club.
  • A club may participate as a team in a local 5k, host a game watch party and gather for networking events to name a few.
  • 3 alumni to commit to serve as club hosts, one will be chosen as chair
  • Provide the Alumni Association with a list of events the club will participate in or host once per semester
  • COI representative, Assistant Director of Marketing and Outreach, serving as club advisor