LangArc-2023 Submission Details

Authors are invited to submit original contributions that are not previously published. The workshop submissions are expected to be in the form of short papers between 1500 and 2000 words and would typically include:

  • research question(s) and/or problem(s),
  • background and brief review of relevant literature, 
  • methods / design of research or practical implementation project, 
  • findings or results (could be preliminary for submissions reporting work-in-progress) and their discussion, 
  • a statement of significance, and
  • conclusions and future work (optional for the work-in-progress submissions). 

Submissions should be submitted by May 21st, 2023 (extended submission deadline), through the EasyChair system following the submission link: To ensure quality, all submissions will be peer-reviewed. Authors are instructed not to include their identity, affiliation(s) or contact details in the initial submission, and to anonymize any references that would reveal the authorship. These details will be added in the final versions of accepted submissions which must follow the style of the ACM Proceedings interim template.

Accepted submissions will be published in the workshop proceedings. At least one of the authors of each accepted submission must register using the JCDL registration page to have the paper published in the LangArc-2023 Proceedings and present at the virtual workshop held on June 30, 2023. 

Interested authors of accepted LangArc-2023 submissions are also invited to develop full papers (6000-7500 words) for submission to the refereed journal The Electronic Library after the end of the workshop.