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2nd International Workshop on Digital Language Archives LangArc 2023
ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries JCDL 2023 

The 2nd International Workshop on Digital Language Archives  (LangArc-2023) was held as part of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2023 online. The workshop consisted of two live session(s) held virtually and scheduled to accommodate participants from different time zones across the world: Session 1 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (US Central Standard Time, CST) and Session 2 from  6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (US Central Standard Time, CST) June 30, 2023. Please refer to the workshop program for the schedule of presentations within each session, and to access the sessions. Session recordings and transcripts were made available for registered participants.

Archival Reference

This interactive virtual workshop seeks to address a growing need. It will explore a broad scope of issues related to digital language archives -- digital libraries that preserve and provide online access to language data. The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers, practitioners, educators, and students from around the world who are already working or are interested in working in different areas related to collecting, archiving, curating, organizing, and providing access to born-digital or digitized language data, and evaluation of digital language archives. Workshop participants will interact and explore solutions to facilitating discovery of language materials in digital archives, effective and efficient access to them, and reuse of this rich data. The workshop is intended to help foster collaborations among information professionals; library and information science, linguistics, data science, computer science, and humanities researchers; educators; representatives of language communities (including indigenous communities, refugees, speakers of under-resourced languages); and other interested audiences. The event is the second one in the series of regular workshops focused on the digital language archives. The 1st International Workshop on Digital Language Archives was held online on September 30, 2021, as part of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2021.

Authors of  submissions accepted for presentation at the LangArc-2023 workshop are required to register for the workshop by June 25, 2023, through the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries conference registration tool using the Workshop Registration option. Accepted brief papers of workshop presenters will be published in the LangArc-2023 workshop proceedings made available through the UNT Scholarly Works digital repository.