- American Library Association (ALA)
- Divisions--
- Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), now CORE
- Cataloging and Metadata Management Section (CaMMS)
- Chair, RDA Implementation Task Force, 2007-2009
- Research & Publications Committee, member 2019-2021
- Committee on Education, Training and Recruitment for Cataloging
- Task Force on Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging, Volunteer, 2008-2010
- Cataloging and Metadata Management Section (CaMMS)
- Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), now CORE
- Divisions--
- American Library and Information Science Education (ALISE)
- Special Interest Groups
- Technical Services,
- Co-Convener, 2022-2023
- Historical Perspectives
- Doctoral Students
- Technical Services,
- Special Interest Groups
- American Society of Information Science & Technology (ASIST)
- Special Interest Groups
- Classification Research (CR)
- Historical Foundations of Information Science (HFIS)
- Chair 2003-2004
- ASIST Bulletin, Editorial Board 2004-2011
- ASIST Representative for Student Chapter Advisors, 2006-2008
- Special Interest Groups
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
- Editorial Board, member 2021-present
- International Society of Knowledge Organization (ISKO)
- Programme Committee, member, 10th International Conference, Montreal, June 2008
- North American ISKO chapter member (NASKO) Programme Committee, member, 3rd North American Symposium on KO, June 2011
Journal of Library Metadata
- Editorial Board, member 2007-present
- Guest editor, special edition for June 2012
- Texas Center for Digital Knowledge (TxCDK), Research Fellow
- Texas Library Association (TLA)
- Cataloging and Metadata Roundtable (CMR) (formerly TRGCC)
- Vice Chair/Chair Elect 2003-2004
- Chair Elect 2004-2005, 2022-
- TLA Council Representative 2007-2013
- Publications Committee 2003-2006
- Vice Chair 2005-2006
- Transforming Texas Libraries, Visioning Task Force, December 2007-March 2008
- Cataloging and Metadata Roundtable (CMR) (formerly TRGCC)
- Library Technology Now
- Editorial Board, member 2004-2007
- Thesaurus Review Board, Chair 2003-2007
- Lead Developer, LTN Thesaurus 2003-2007
- Metadata Education and Research Information Center (MERIC)
- Advisory Board, member 2005-2006