* Corresponding author
Zhang, S., & Zhang, X.* (2022). Vocabulary knowledge and reading/listening comprehension: A meta-analysis. Language Teaching Research, 26(4), 696-725.
Hu, X., Zhang, X.*, & Sarah, M. (2021). Foreign language anxiety and achievement: A study of primary school students learning English in China, Language Teaching Research.
Li, M., & Zhang, X.* (2021). A meta-analysis of self-assessment and language performance in language testing and assessment. Language Testing, 38(2), 189-218.
Zhang, X.* (2021). Testing the Topic Hypothesis: A concept-based teaching study. Language and Sociocultural Theory, 7(1), 87-122.
Pan, C., & Zhang, X.* (2021). A longitudinal study of foreign language anxiety and enjoyment. Language Teaching Research.
Li, L., Xu, H., & Zhang, X. (2020). Exploring the role of phraseological knowledge and syntactic knowledge in L2 listening comprehension. Lingua, 248, 102957.
Zhang, S., Xu, H., & Zhang, X. (2020). The effects of dictionary use on second language vocabulary acquisition: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Lexicography, 34(1), 1-38.
Zhang, X., Yang, J., Wang, R., & Li, P. (2020). A neuroimaging study of semantic representation in first and second languages. Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, 35(10), 1223-1238.
Zhang, X.* (2020). A bibliometric analysis of second language acquisition between 1997 and 2018. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 42(1), 199-222.
Zhang, X.* (2019). Foreign language anxiety and foreign language performance: A meta-analysis. Modern Language Journal, 103(3), 763-781.
Zhang, X.*, Liu, J., & Ai, H. (2019). Pseudowords and guessing in the Yes/No format vocabulary test. Language Testing, 37(1), 6-30.
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Li, Y., & Zhang, X.* (2019). L2 vocabulary knowledge and L2 listening comprehension: A structural equation model. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 22(1), 85-102.
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Zhang, X.*, & Lu, X. (2015). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge. Modern Language Journal, 99(3), 741-752.
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