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Discovery Series Presents:

Gesture-based & Game-based Learning
by Nian-Shing Chen

Gaming systems such as the Nintendo Wii have captured the attention of the general public with the idea that you can do an everyday movement - a wave of your arm or a turn of your head - that will manipulate and control technology.  Touchscreens, sensors, and VR setups all allow you to get even closer to direct interaction with a program than you can with a mouse or keyboard.  But this technology is not just all fun and games: gesture-based computing has recently received great attention in educational technology. An increasing number of studies and experiments have attempted to integrate its major features—gestures and body motions—into both physical and conceptual learning activities.

Nian-Shing Chen has been doing research on how to make learning kinesthetic and how to design pedagogically meaningful gesture-based learning systems.  He will present the current psychology and education understanding of the field as well as the results of implementing gestures/body motions in his own study cases.  He will also demonstrate some potential research frameworks that you can use in future research.

This lecture was hosted at The Agora, in room G150, at Discovery Park (3940 North Elm Street, Denton, TX 76207). It was recorded on Thursday, September 21, 2017, from 12:00—1:30 p.m.

Nian-Shing Chen

Dr. Nian-Shing Chen is Chair Professor in the Department of Information Management at the National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan. He has published over 400 academic papers in the international referred journals, conferences and book chapters. One of his papers published in Innovations in Education and Teaching International was awarded as the top cited article in 2010. He is the author of three books with one textbook entitled “e-Learning Theory & Practice”. Prof. Chen has received the national outstanding research awards for three times from the National Science Council in 2008, 2011-2013 and the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2015-2017. His current research interests include assessing e-Learning course performance; online synchronous teaching & learning; mobile & ubiquitous learning; embodied cognition & game-based learning. Prof. Chen is serving as editorial board members for many international journals and guest editors for more than 15 special issues of international journals. He has also organized and chaired numerous international conferences and workshops in the area of advanced learning technologies. Professor Chen is a senior member of IEEE, ACM and the Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology ( He is Editor-In-Chief of the SSCI-indexed Journal of Educational Technology & Society.