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Discovery Series Presents:

by Júlia Marques Carvalho da Silva 
Many learning management systems (LMS) are used by teachers and students through online and blended courses.  Moodle is a popular open source LMS that allows teachers endless flexibility to add and subtract functions and capabilities to it.  When the teacher has one course, it seems easy to follow each students' path and to keep them on track.  However, as the number of courses or students increases, this task becomes exponentially harder.  With so much attention focused on teaching the students, who helps the teachers?
Júlia Marques Carvalho da Silva is joining us from Instituto Federal Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) in Brazil talk about how Smart Teaching Assistants can help.  She will present a set of tools for Moodle that are designed to help teachers use LMS more effectively.  She will also discuss how the tools were developed and how they are being distributed.
This lecture was hosted at The Agora, in room G150, at Discovery Park (3940 North Elm Street, Denton, TX 76207).  It was recorded on Thursday, March 30, 2017 from 12:00—1:30 p.m.

Julia Marques Carvalho da Silva


Júlia Marques Carvalho da Silva coordinates the Distance Educational Department at IFRS.  She obtained her Ph.D. from UFRGS in Computers and Education and her post-doctorate at Athabasca University in 2014.