The University of North Texas, College of Information Discovery Series hosts prominent and impactful speakers from industry, academia, and nonprofits to stimulate the exchange of ideas at the intersection of information science, linguistics, and learning technologies. The Discovery Series lectures are all recorded and made available afterward through this website and the COI YouTube channel.
Contact the College of Information with any questions, suggestions for topics and or speakers.
2025 Spring Guests
09/29/2023 - Frederick C. Harris, Jr. and Sergiu Dascalu, Software Systems Lab at UNR: An Overview of Ongoing Projects
11/28/2023 - Scott Warren, AI Support Tools for Teaching, Learning, and Research
Spring02/16/2023 - What These Walls Won't Hold: Documentary Screening with Filmmaker Adamu Chan
02/21/2023 - Dr. Curtis Bonk, Ideas, Approaches, and Strategies for DEI in the Learning, Design, and Technology Curriculum
03/17/2023 - LEAF: A Learning and Evidence Analytics Framework in Japan and for the World2022Fall
09/27/2022 - Dr. Michael K. Thomas, Designing Experiences in Games and Simulations to support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
09/28/2022 - Dr. Justin Simard, JD, PhD, Addressing the Precedential Weight of Slavery
10/26/2022 - Dr. James Matisoff, Sweet memories of fieldwork in the pre-computer era
11/7/2022 - Topic: Talking Black in America: Roots Documentary Screening
11/14/2022 - Dr. Rob Moore, Charting New Pathways to Academic Credit with MesocredentialsSpring
04/27/2022 - Henry "Trae" Winter - The Eclipse Soundscapes Projects: How ARISA Lab is making science more inclusive, accessible, and engaging for everyone
04/26/2022 - Taylor Shead - The Metaverse of Learning
03/29/2022 - Michelle Starcher - A Year like No Other: How One Texas School District Prepared for Virtual Learning
03/01/2022 - Stephen F. Wheeler - NASA Crew 88: Mars Desert Analog Research Mission
01/28/2022 - Justin Reich - Failure to Disrupt: Why Technology Alone Can't Transform Education202110/26/2021 - Curtis Bonk - From Legends and Legacies to Silver Linings for Learning: Tapping into History while Tapping into the Future Via Video
9/17/2021 - Charles M. Reigeluth - My Interests in Improving Learning: An Evolution
9/18/2021 - Miguel Nussbaum - 21st Century Abilities after COVID
8/23/2021 - Mary S. Linn, Curator of Cultural and Linguistic Revitalization at the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage (CFCH)20203/20/2020 - Pam Dukes, U.S. Olympian, How to find your voice, passion and achieve goals
3/20/2020 - Dr. Richard Wolf, The Musical Poetry of Endangered Languages
10/26/2020 - Yoav Horesh, Sense of Place
11/3/2020 - Paul Barach, COVID-19 Outbreak - The Opportunity and Importance of Health Informatics201910/29/2019 - Umarani Pappuswamy, Fakhruddin Akhunzada, Ramesh Gaur [Three lectures on archiving in South Asia]
9/9/2019 - Daryl Baldwin [Use of archived data to revive and teach his heritage language]
4/27/2019 - Susan Gehr [I'll Do It Myself And Other Strategies in Karuk Language Documentation and Revitalization]
4/18/2019 - Shrabani Basu [Imperial Legacies of 1919]
1/30/2019 - Ray Schroeder [Artificial Intelligence, The Workforce, and the Future of Higher Education]201811/6/2018 - Nigel Thurlow [Toyota Connected, Toyota Productio System, Agile and Lean in the workplace, and research in the team science]
4/16/2018 - Wilhem Meya [Revitalizing Native American Languages]
2/1/2018 - Ryan Baker [Towards Massive Replication of Scientific Findings in Massive Online Open Courses]201711/16/2017 - Helen Aristar-Dry & Gary Simons [Exposition: Metadata & Interoperable Digital Language Databases]
10/19/2017 - Walt Wolfram [Documentary and Exposition: “Talking Black in America”]
10/5/2017 - Mohamed Jemni [Exposition: Assistive Technologies]
9/21/2017 - Nian-Shing Chen [Exposition: Gesture-based & Game-based Learning]
5/4/2017 - Brian O'Connor [Exposition: Know Thy Selfie: Provocations on Digital Photography & Public Knowledge]
4/13/2017 - Michelle Yang [Workshop: The Art of Visual Notetaking]
3/30/2017 - Júlia Marques Carvalho da Silva [Exposition: Smart Teaching Assistants: Helping Teachers to Help Students]
3/3/2017 - Berner Lindström [Round Table Discussion: Digitalization of Education in Scandinavia]
2/23/2017 - Robin James Mayes [Exposition: Preventing Plagiarism]
1/26/2017 - Miguel Nussbaum [Exposition: How far are we from teaching creatively?]2016