Who is my academic advisor and how do I make an advising appointment?

Your advisor is based on the first letter of your last name:

  • A-L = Sarah Kim*
  • M-Z = Blanca Hull*
How do I set up an appointment to change my major?

Appointments can be made through UNT Navigate for current UNT students.

How do I set up an appointment to change my major?
Appointments can be made through UNT Navigate. If you are interested in changing your major to the College of Information, under Care Unit choose: "Academic Advising: Interested in Major Change" and indicate the major you want to discuss in the comments for the appointment.
How do I know if I have holds on my account?
Sign into my.unt.edu and on the student homepage, a notification about your hold will be reflect on the ‘task’ tile. Selecting the hold also provides more information on how to resolve or remove the hold.
I do not remember where to search, add, drop, or swap my courses. Where can I find this information?
Sign into my.unt.edu and on the student homepage, select the enrollment tile.
Where can I find my degree audit?
Your degree audit can be located by navigating to my.unt.edu and from the student homepage, select ‘advising & orientation’, then run my degree audit.
How do I calculate my GPA?

Students can calculate their Grade Point Average (GPA) if they know the following information:

Credits attempted - These are the total number of credits taken at Walden.

Final Grades Earned - Using your unofficial transcript, you can see the grades you earned in all your classes in your program

Point values for those grades - Each grade is assigned a point value. Use the chart below to determine the point values for your grades.

Letter Grade Point Value for Grade
A 4.0
B 3.0
C 2.0
D (Only applicable for Undergraduate Programs) 1.0
F 0.0

The basic formula for calculating GPA is to divide the total points earned in a program by the total number of credits attempted. The resulting figure is the GPA for that program.

Total points earned / Total Credits Attempted = Grade Point Average

When can I register for my classes?

Please check the Registration Guides at registrar.unt.edu/registration and select the guide for the semester you need information on.

What is my classification?

It is important to know your student classification. This is based on your cumulative completed hours and also dictates when you are allowed to register for classes. The classifications and their parameters are as follows:


Cumulative Completed Hours


0 – 29 hours


30 – 59 hours


60 – 89 hours


90+ hours


What type of scholarships does the College of Information or my department offer?

You can find a list of College and Departmental Scholarships at https://ci.unt.edu/student-resources/financial-assistance.html 

Most scholarships are also available in the Eagle Scholarship Portal: https://unt.academicworks.com/ 

Is there a list of major courses being offered by semester from the College of Information?

Yes! Please navigate to registrar.unt.edu.

Under ‘registration’, select ‘schedule of classes’. Scroll down to the College of Information and then select your major and the semester of interest.

I am an Information Science undergraduate student and I am interested in earning a master’s degree. Is there a program that can help me earn graduate hours as an undergraduate student?

Yes! The College of Information offers a Grad Track program.

This program is for students that plan to earn a graduate degree but wish to shorten their time and expenses while continuing their education. Please navigate to https://ci.unt.edu/academic-programs/degrees.html for more information.

Graduate advisors are available to speak with prospective students about our graduate program options and requirements. Appointments can be made either through the advising website homepage or through appointment manager. Please select the program of interest to generate a list of time slots by advisor and indicate that you are interested in learning more about the graduate program.