Dr. John Turner and his co-authors Nigel Thurlow and Brian Rivera were interviewed InfoQ, an online magazine in the software development field to discuss their new publication The Flow System: The Evolution of Agile and Lean Thinking in an Age of Complexity. The book uses team science to understand how organizations can operate and adapt work to complex environments and be innovative, adaptive, and resilient. Read more on The Flow System: Getting Fast Customer Feedback and Managing Flow.
Dr. Thomas Parsons’ project with University of Texas, Tyler, “Virtual Reality-Based Assessment of Functional Capacities in Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease or Alzheimer’s Disease Related Dementia” received two more years of funding ($278,974). This project uses virtual reality to assess neuropsychological functioning and everyday functional capacities in older adults, particularly veterans, with traumatic brain injury and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as Alzheimer’s disease related dementia. Additionally, he is to start a project in April 2021 to study post-traumatic headache and sleep disorders using computerized neuropsychological assessments and biometrics with the Oregon Health & Science University. The project was funded for $249,964 and is titled iANAM: The Ability to “Visualize” Headache, Sleep Disturbance, and mTBI. Finally, Dr. Parsons received $15,000 from the Woodcock Institute to validate the Woodcock-Johnson IV test of cognitive abilities and the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics in a teleneuropsychology setting.
2021 Medical Library Association Awards
Dr. Jodi Philbrick is the recipient of the Lucretia W. McClure Excellence in Teaching Award. This prestigious recognition was announced on at the 2021 Medical Library Association meeting. Additionally, the following UNT students/alums were recognized for their excellence in the medical library field:
Dr. Karen Guzman is the recipient of the Estelle Brodman Award for the Academic Medical Librarian of the Year. Karen is the head of research assessment and communications at the Galter Health Sciences Library and Learning Center at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University.
Robert Browder, a current student, won the 2021 Rittenhouse Award for the best paper, “ Blockchain and health information management”.
Jean Hillyer, a recent retiree from the Baylor School of Nursing Library, won the Research, Project, and Demonstration Grant.
Dr. Maurice Wheeler has been appointed chair of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Taskforce on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.