The CoRSALV Symposium took place on October 1, 2021 with the theme of Developing Infrastructure for CoRSAL V: Increasing Engagement with CoRSAL through Social Media. A Charn Uswachoke International Development Fund (PI Chelliah) provided planning funds for the Computational Resource for South Asian languages (CoRSAL), a data resource with standard and portable data formats that could be used by many constituents.  Since the first meeting at UNT November 2017, CoRSAL has gained both community and institutional partners. Together, researchers, students, native-speaker language documenters, the archiving community, and the UNT digital library have moved CoRSAL forward from concept to reality. We were honored to have keynote speaker, Brook Danielle Lillehaugen from Haverford College, who shared the activities going on at Ticha, an online, digital explorer for a corpus of Colonial Zapotec texts. If you would like more information or to support CoRSAL, please visit: