Haley McGlynn's final undergraduate semester included an oral history project for
the Denton Women's Interracial Fellowship (DWIF). The gratification found through this project for Dr. Liane Malinowski's rhetoric class led Haley to pursue an M.S. in Library Science, Archival Studies,
and Imaging Technology at COI. Recently, Haley received a UNT Foundation Endowed Fund for College of Information Scholarship, which affords her the ability to focus on her studies and remain financially independent.
Relationships with her professors inspired Haley to succeed at COI; she is grateful
for an immersive educational experience. Haley credits Meagan May, a UNT Special Collections Public Services Librarian, for enriching her understanding
of various librarian positions available and appreciates the mentorship she has provided.
Beyond believing in the essential services librarians offer to the community, Haley
is confident this career path will afford the good, meaningful, and purposeful work
she seeks. Post-graduation, Haley aspires to work in a role similar to Meagan's.