COI: What is your current major, degree plan, and professional concentration (if any)?
Brittany: I am completing my second year in the doctoral learning technologies program. I am focusing on the technology skills gap in K-12 education. I have an interest in addressing the digital divide, which is a contributing cause to the skills gap.
COI: Why did you apply for this scholarship and what made you think you were a good match for it?
Brittany: My professional and academic backgrounds have focused on the K-12 environment. I have been a special education teacher, a general education teacher, and am presently a school librarian. My entire career, past, present and future, are all centered on education.
COI: Can you explain how this scholarship will help you on your academic journey. In other words, how does it help you meet your goals?
Brittany: Being a recipient of a COI/LT scholarship is a tremendous honor. This scholarship has helped cover the costs of the program and allow me to continue working towards my academic and career goals. I am grateful to the leadership that selected me for this award.
COI: What are some highlights of your time in the program so far? Do you want to shout out to any specific courses or professors who have helped you along the way?
Brittany: There have been a lot of major highlights! This program has provided me opportunities to present at conferences and become a published writer. I have had the honor of serving as a committee member on the LT Doctoral Annual Meeting Planning Committee. I want to give shout outs to Dr. Eutsler, my major professor, for guiding me and always sharing ideas and perspective with me. Dr. Edyburn, my AGF, has been a fount of knowledge and always willing to meet when I have a question or need to bounce ideas. Dr. Knezek has supported me, patiently walking me through all things SPSS, and providing me opportunities to grow as a researcher and scholar. Dr. Cockerham has offered her continued kindness and encouragement.
COI: What are your career plans after graduation?
Brittany: When I graduate, I want to move into a research career, either in higher ed or edtech. I want to work towards providing preservice and in-service teachers the skills they need to effectively use technology in the classroom and raise up this generation and future generations of digital natives. I also intend to address the digital divide; it impacts the skills gap and not just in regards to physical access but knowledge on usage, digital citizenship, privacy literacy, and digital literacy.
COI: Can you share any big successes (besides the scholarship) you've had or obstacles you've overcome?
Brittany: Another big success that has occurred is that I have coauthored a book chapter, “Privacy Literacy and Library Instruction,” that will be published later this month. Dr. Cockerham is lead editor of the book, Reimagining Education.