
Research Seed Grants are competitive grants that will be awarded from the Deans' Office of Research and are intended to enable research that seeds funding of extramural sponsored program.

We have a small balance for research seed grants with a maximum of $5,000 per award. These funds might be used for allowable research expenditure such as additional student hours. Please keep in mind that research seed grants should lead to submission of a grant proposal.


  • Funds must be expended within twelve (12) months of award. Funds from Research Seed Grants may not be used for travel in pursuit of extramural funding or to workshops and conferences. Visits to funding agencies in pursuit of sponsored programs is supported by the Extramural Travel Grant program. 
  • The Research Seed Grant may not be used for faculty summer salary or teaching release via buy-out.  In addition, certain items may not be paid for using these funds. Please reference the link here for a breakdown of allowable expenses based on this fund type.
  • Only one Research Seed Grant may be awarded to a faculty member within a twenty-four (24) month period.  Successful applicants must submit a one-page report within thirty (30) days following the end of the award period, including an updated plan for follow-on on funding.


To be eligible for a COI Research Seed Grant, the faculty member must hold the academic rank of Assistant Professor or higher and be employed on a full-time basis in tenure/tenure track position.

Selection Criteria

  • Priority will be given to proposals that articulate a clear and strong plan for work that will seed follow-on funding from an external source.  Preference may be given to pre-tenured faculty. Preference may also be given to proposals involving interdisciplinary research.  All proposals should contain a specific plan for work and a specific plan for obtaining external funding.  Proposals must indicate results of seeking and receiving external funding from previous UNT intramural grant support.
  • It is expected that a proposal for external support will be submitted within six (6) months of completion of the Research Seed Grant, evidence of the potential for which must be described in the proposal.
  • If applying for a second award, it must align with the original award and address comments from reviewers for proposal submitted to an external sponsor. 


Requests are due on May 15, 2024.


Fill in each section of the application, attach your Department Chair's signature of approval (and attesting to their financial support if applicable), and press submit.

Please submit less than 1000 words.
Include the amount of Departmental Support. If none, just put in '0'.

Letter of Department Chair's approval

Email your approval from the Department Chair's as a PDF to CI-ResearchOffice@unt.edu.
Instructions for saving message as a PDF in Microsoft Outlook: Open the email -> select 'File' -> Select 'Save as Adobe PDF'

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