Kristen Burgess
Kristen Burgess, 2013-2015 Board Georgia Cohort Representative, (LIS MS '10)  
Kristen Burgess is a Clinical and Research Informationist at the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library at the University of Cincinnati. She recently completed a two-year National Library of Medicine Associate Fellowship at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland and the University of Cincinnati in Ohio. She serves on the Outstanding Alumni Award committee. 


 Vikki Curtis
Vikki Curtis, 2013-2015 Board Virginia Cohort Representative, (LIS MS '10) 
Vikki Curtis, a graduate from the Virginia Cohort, served Trinity Episcopal School - Richmond, VA from 2003-2012, in the role of a teacher and assistant librarian. Vikki has a varied background. In the past, she has served her community as an attorney, librarian and teacher for some 30 years.


Mary Dziorny
Mary Dziorny, 2013-2015 Board LT Representative, (EC PhD '12)  
Dr. Dziorny's  primary research focuses on problem-based learning for students with learning disabilities using alternative instruction and assessment methods. She is employed by the University of Texas at Dallas in their Information Security Office where she develops curriculum, serves as an instructional designer and technical writer.Mary also serves as an online adjunct faculty member for Texas A&M Commerce. 


Angie Lugo
Angie Lugo, 2013-2015 Board South Texas Representative, (MLS '09)  
Angie Lugo is a 2009 graduate of the Master of Library and Information Sciences. Under the direction of the Library Board and City of Los Fresnos Council, she serves as the Library Director for the City of Los Fresnos, Texas since 2004. Angie oversees the planning, developing, implementing and directing of the public library services for the Ethel L. Whipple Memorial Library. Ms. Lugo is very active in professional associations and community organizations. 


Barbara Mitchell
Barbara Mitchell, 2013-2015 Board Houston Representative, (LIS MS '08)  
Barbara Mitchell comes to librarianship from a successful career in architectural interior design and another as an Anglican (Episcopalian) parish priest in Canada, the U.S., and New Zealand. These previous careers inform her commitment to customer service. They also provide the training for the graphic library marketing techniques she uses and her commitment to the creation of a library as a beautiful space conducive to the enjoyment of information.  She works at the Tomball branch of Harris County Public Library, one of two Houston area branches that share its space and services with a Lone Star Community College academic library.  She performs reference and readers' advisory, marketing, and outreach to the Tomball Art League and the business community. Alumni Society committee responsibilities: Outstanding Alumni Award committee. 


Angie Rackler
Angie Rackler, 2013-2015 Board LT ATPI Representative, (PhD '11)
Angie Rackler works for McAfee Security, a division of Intel. Prior to completing her degree, she worked in the Learning and development department in McAfee as a Technical Trainer and Courseware Developer. Shortly after completing her degree, she moved into a new role as a Global Learning Consultant responsible for the training activities of Consumer sales division across all of their geographies.  In this new role, she has a much broader scope of responsibility and visibility.  She is thankful to the Learning Technologies department for their support, guidance, and flexibility that helped her obtain her PhD. She serves on the LT Outstanding Alumni committee.  


Vicki Read
Vicki Read, 2013-2015 Board Nevada Representative, (LIS MS '06)   
A graduate from Utah State University and the University of North Texas, she started her library career as a student worker as the gifts librarian.  This fluke of happenstance changed the direction of her education as she transferred from getting a PHD in English to supervising the circulation desk.  Vicki has been at the forefront of two new libraries built on Utah State University campus, the migration to five new library systems and the installation of automated onsite storage systems. In her spare time, Vicki can be found outside in her myriad gardens or taking care of her menagerie of animals. A consummate Luddite when the sun goes down, she finds a comfy chair and curls up with a good book. She serves on the LIS Outstanding Alumni committee. 


Lynne M. Simpson
Lynne M. Simpson, 2013-2015 Board State of Oklahoma Representative, (IIS PhD '09) 
Since 2007, Dr. Simpson has served Oklahoma State University in Stillwater as an assistant professor in the Science and Engineering Division of the Edmon Low Library. She is the liaison for the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and for the Nutrition Department of the College of Human Environmental Sciences. Lynne also teaches the face-to-face version of Library Science 1011: Library and Internet Information Competencies for the Oklahoma State University College of Education. 


Christopher E. Strauss
Christopher E. Strauss, 2013-2015 Board IIS PhD Representative, (IIS PhD '06) 
Chris Strauss serves the University of North Texas community as a Call Tracking Administration Manager in the Academic Computing and User Services Department. Chris is responsible for BMC Remedy Action Request System implementation using IT Service Management. Dr. Strauss has been with the UNT Denton Campus since 1993. 


Susan Whitmer
Susan Whitmer, 2013-2015 Board Denton Representative, (LIS MS '12) 
Susan is a Reference Specialist in the Research and Instructional Services department at the University of North Texas Libraries. Whitmer has worked at UNT since 2007 starting as a technical services assistant, moving on to binding supervisor, and has spent the last three years as a reference specialist. Whitmer is currently serving on the planning committee of TLA's Cycling for Libraries and is the secretary/treasurer for TLA's Reference and Information Services Roundtable. Whitmer has given presentations on LibGuides at the Library Instruction Round Table Summit, the combined services desk at the Cross Timbers Conference, and training paraprofessionals for reference work at the Texas Library Association Conference. 


Janis Test
Janis Test,  2013-2015 Board West Texas Representative, (MLS '79)  
Janis is the Information Services Manager at Abilene Public Library, Abilene Texas.She has served the Library in different capacities since the late 1990's. Janis is very involved professionally: Texas Library Association - member PR Committee; Tall Texans RT, Doo-Wop Intergalactic RT, Archives & Local History RT, Reference RT Alternate Councilor, Programming for Adults Round Table PR/Branding Committee member; and Texas State Library Electronic Information Working Group member. 


Jurhee Curtis

Alumni Relations, Coordinator:  Jurhee Curtis 
Jurhee has benefitted from a successful career in alumni relations and public relations for several universities. The beginning of her rewarding career included a position at Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law where she served as Alumni Director while both her children attended as undergrads. Upon their graduation, Jurhee moved to Phoenix, Arizona during the development stages of Arizona State University's alumni director program and West Campus initiative. Always a trailblazer, Jurhee was the first Alumni Director for the Arizona State University (ASU) College of Business and established and managed the undergraduate and MBA alumni organizations. Her talent was brought to the University of North Texas School of Library and Information Sciences (UNT-SLIS) to serve as External Affairs and Alumni Relations Coordinator. When the College of Information was started, she served as Director of External Affairs overseeing public relations, marketing, and outreach efforts.  She retired in 2011, returning part time as Alumni Relations Coordinator before ending her service in 2017. Jurhee served as an ex-officio member of the College of Information Alumni Society.