
Dr. Sharad Sharma
Professor at University of North Texas
Director of Data Visualization and Extreme Reality (DVXR) Lab
Director of B.S in Data Science Program.


Ph.D. in Computer Engineering
2005 - 2006 (Graduated: 2006)
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA

Area: Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
Dissertation Title: Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Agent Systems for Emergency Scenarios

M.S. in Architecture
2000 - 2004 (Graduated: 2003)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Area: Computer-Aided-Design
Master's Thesis Title: Collaboration, Simulation and Graphic Design in Java and C++

Professional Experience

Professor in Data Science
Department of Information Science
University of North Texas

2022 - Present
Denton, TX, USA, 76203-5017

Department of Computer Science
Bowie State University

2019 - 2022
Bowie, MD 20715

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Bowie State University

2013 - 2019
Bowie, MD 20715

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Bowie State University

2007 - 2013 (Tenured and Promoted in 2013)
Bowie, MD 20715

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Wayne State University

2005 - 2006
Detroit, MI, 48202