The Data Visualization and Extreme Reality (DVXR) Lab provides visualization solutions for a wide range of data sets in a collaborative, interdisciplinary, and interactive environment. Extended reality (XR) includes representative forms such as augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and virtual reality (VR). We focus on developing methods and tools for analyzing, visualizing, and interacting with massive, dynamic, and ambiguous data from various application domains.
The DVXR Lab has the goal of carrying out research into advanced interactive visualization
by developing innovative, impactful research and applications in VR/AR/MR by establishing
collaborations with industry partners and academia. Our objective is to introduce
students to Extreme Reality (XR) hardware, software, and provide an opportunity for
them to apply this knowledge to applications for education and games. Our research
explores research methods in human-computer interaction, social science, scientific
and information visualization, computer animation, and machine learning.
Our mission is to analyze and communicate data with interactive systems. The students
and faculty are pioneering the use of VR, AR, MR, XR technology in areas such as data
visualization, evacuation, way finding, battlefield simulation, emergency response,
healthcare, education, and classroom environment. We study human behavior during emergency
evacuations and active shooter events. We strongly believe in testing our research
with practice and actively seek collaboration with industry.