This project will convene librarians, archivists, oral history practitioners, public
historians, community memory workers, and other stakeholders working in oral history
stewardship from across the nation to identify successful approaches and synthesize
best practices and strategies to respond to existing and emerging challenges around
building, implementing, preserving, and accessing community oral history projects.
The project is guided by the following Oral History Curation Lifecycle framework.
Oral History Curation Lifecycle
The project will be delivered through the following two phases:
Phase 1: The project team will host a series of webinars that will invite oral history practitioners involved in community-based oral history projects/initiatives to identify good practices, share the challenges and lessons learned, and prepare actionable roadmap for building, implementing, preserving, and sustaining community oral history projects.
Phase 2: The project team will conduct a series of interviews, which will serve as a source
of in-depth and rich context of the needs and priorities of community oral history