Jeonghyun Kim
Principal Investigator
Kim is a Professor in the Department of Information Science, University of North Texas and has directed the Digital Curation and Data Management certificate program, which was developed through the IMLS Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program. Her research agendas, which revolve around three distinct, yet interacting areas: Organizational policies/practices to carry out digital stewardship initiatives; community stakeholders' motivation for digital stewardship activities; and capacity building to meet the demands of a digital stewardship workforce.
Todd Moye
Co-Principal Investigator
Moye is Director of the UNT Oral History Program, and a University Distinguished Teaching Professor and the Robnett Professor of US History in the Department of History at the University of North Texas. He served as President of the Oral History Association in 2017-2018. Moye is the author of several articles and books on the history of the modern African American freedom struggle. His research and teaching interests include social movements, grassroots approaches to social and political change, and historical memory.
Ana Roeschley
Co-Principal Investigator
Roeschley is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Science, University of North Texas where she directs the Archives Management Concentration. Previously she was the Assistant Professor of Professional Practice in Archival Studies at the School of Library & Information Science at Louisiana State University. Her doctoral dissertation focused on participatory archive initiatives while her wider research interests include community archives, digital humanities, and collective memory.
James Faulkner
Research Assistant
James is currently a doctoral candidate in Department of Information Science, University of North Texas. He holds a MS in Information Science from the University of North Texas as well as an MA and BA in History from the University of Houston-Clear Lake. His primary research interests include archival theory/methods, oral histories, collective memory, environmental suitability of archives, and historical research methods.
Alejandra Lopez
Research Assistant
Lopez is a graduate student in the Department of Information Science, University of North Texas pursuing an MS in Library Science with a concentration in Archival Studies. She holds a BFA in Studio Art with a Printmaking emphasis from Texas Christian University. Current academic and research interests include digitization, archival metadata, and user discoverability.
Past Team Member
Mimi Byun
Research Assistant
Byun is a PhD Student in the Department of Information Science, University of North Texas. While she is working as a research assistant on the IMLS-funded project, she is also participating in the Southern Methodist University's R-UX Intern program. She holds a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in English. Her master's seminar paper covered the works of author Sandra Cisneros using a digital humanities lens and she is a current HASTAC scholar in digital humanities.