Webinar2: Creating and Collecting Oral History

February 8, 2023 | 12:00 p.m. CST

Our second webinar explores the relevant issues and concerns regarding creating and generating oral histories in a time of social and technological change.

Recording | Speakers



Natalie Milbrodt is the Director of the Queens Memory Project at Queens Public Library, and has been overseeing staff, students, and volunteers to collect oral history on local history topics of Queens in New York City for over a decade. She leads the Queens Public Library's Metadata Services Division, responsible for the library's oral history and community archiving program, digitization, and cataloging. She serves on the Oral History Association's Metadata Task Force and as an advisory board member for Global Grand Central, Urban Archive, the New York State Archives and Wikitongues.


Sarah Milligan is an Associate Professor at Oklahoma State University and Head of the Oklahoma Oral History Research Program, where she oversees the production, access and preservation of the over 1,7000 interviews in the collection. Previously, she was the Administrator for the Kentucky Oral History Commission where she managed their oral history collections.


Troy Reeves is the oral historian at the UW-Madison Archives & Records Management, having served in that role since June 2007. Reeves has held leadership roles in the Oral History Association, including starting a four-year term in its Executive Council in October 2022. He has managed dozens of oral history projects, including “Madison LGBTQ Community, 1960s-Present,” “Women@UW/Women Inspire,” and “African-American Athletes at UW.”