Dr. Daniella Smith
Founding Director
Daniella L. Smith, Ph.D., is the Hazel Harvey Peace Endowed Professor and the Director of the Information Science Ph.D. program in the Department of Information Science at the University of North Texas. She has been a faculty member since 2010. Her previous experience includes being a youth services librarian, a school librarian, and being a public school social studies and reading teacher. Dr. Smith is a frequent presenter at conferences and has published several peer-reviewed articles and book chapters in publications such as JELIS, School Libraries Worldwide, the Online Learning Journal (OLJ), and Library Hi-Tech. She is the author of Growing Your Library Career of Social Media. Her research interests include Library and Information Science Education, social media behaviors, and school librarianship. Her recent projects include aspects that explore youth information-seeking behaviors and STEM implementation in K-12 schools. She currently writes for the AASL Knowledge Quest blog, serves as an ALA Councilor At-Large, and is the 2020-2021 Chair of the AASL Educators of School Librarians Section (ESLS).

Dr. Sarah Evans
Sarah A. Evans, Ph.D., MLIS, is Assistant Professor of Youth Librarianship in the Information Science Department at the University of North Texas. Her research examines the literacies and identities taken up in voluntary learning experiences. Topics of study include public library services for youth, learning in fan communities, and the history and culture of youth literature. Since 1999, Dr. Evans has worked for and with libraries, including as a public library branch manager, collection development librarian, middle school teacher-librarian, and now as a researcher. Throughout her career, she has served in the American Library Association and its subdivisions, most frequently in the Young Adult Library Services Association. Dr. Evans holds a bachelor's degree in Drama, a master's of Library and Information Science, and a doctorate of philosophy in Learning Sciences from the University of Washington, as well as an elementary education certificate from Western Washington.

Dr. Tricia Kuon
Tricia Kuon, Ph.D., is the School Library Practicum Coordinator and an Instructor in the School Library Program in the College of Information at the University of North Texas. Tricia has worked as an elementary school teacher and a school librarian. She also taught at Sam Houston State University for 9 years before moving to the Fort Worth area. As a school librarian, Tricia used Makerspaces extensively. She travels to cities in the United States to talk to educators about how to use makerspaces in their programs. She has written three books that she uses with her professional development seminars: The Makerspace Manual: How to Maximize your Existing Makerspace or Build a New One, Innovative, Cutting Edge Strategies for Increasing the Impact and Effectiveness of Your School Library Program, and Increase the Effectiveness of your School Library Program: Strategies! Strategies! Strategies!

Dr. Jennifer Moore
Jennifer Moore, Ph.D., MSIS, is an Associate Professor for School Librarian Certification Program in the Department of Information Science at the University of North Texas. Since 2011, she has taught graduate-level courses in instructional technology in school libraries, school library management, pedagogy in school libraries, youth programming in libraries, youth literature, and school library program development. She has also worked as an English-Language Arts teacher and an elementary school librarian. She was recently a faculty fellow in the American Library Association and Google joint project, Libraries Ready to Code, Phase 2, as well as an invited judge representing Texas Congressional District 26 in the 2019 and 2020 Congressional App Challenge. Dr. Moore has received multiple awards for teaching and advising. Her scholarly interests have included adolescent health information literacy, audiobooks and youth literacy development, and librarians as data literacy leaders. Current projects include computational thinking in LIS curriculum and evidence-based practice in school libraries. She has served as a member and a chair on over 20 committees at the local, state, national, and international levels. Dr. Moore holds a bachelor's degree in English, a Master of Science in Information Studies, and a Ph.D. in Information Studies, all from the University of Texas at Austin.

Dr. Barbara Schultz-Jones
Barbara Schultz-Jones, Ph.D., is a Professor and Director of the School Librarianship and Youth Librarianship programs and the Master of Science in Library or Information Science program in the Information Science Department at the University of North Texas. She is a member of the AASL IMLS Grant CLASS II (Causality: School Libraries and Student Success II), past Chair of the IFLA School Libraries Section and co-editor with Dr. Dianne Oberg of the IFLA School Library Standards and Guidelines, current member of the IFLA Education and Training Section, and Chair of the IASL 2021 Annual Conference in Denton, Texas. Her research centers on the school library learning environment, school library educator preparation, and developing multiple literacies.