Dr. Kinshuk is the Dean of the College of Information at the University of North Texas. Prior to that, he held the NSERC/CNRL/Xerox/McGraw Hill Research Chair for Adaptivity and Personalization in Informatics, funded by the Federal government of Canada, Provincial government of Alberta, and by national and international industries. With more than 550 research publications in refereed journals, international refereed conferences and book chapters, he is frequently invited as keynote or principal speaker in international conferences and visiting professor around the world. His work has been dedicated to advancing research on the innovative paradigms, architectures and implementations of online and distance learning systems for individualized and adaptive learning in increasingly global environments. Areas of his research interests include learning analytics; learning technologies;, mobile, ubiquitous and location aware learning systems; cognitive profiling; and, interactive technologies.

Sharad Sharma
Dr. Sharad Sharma is a Professor in the Department of Information Science at the University of North Texas (UNT). Dr. Sharma is an expert in modeling and simulation of human behavior for emergency response and decision making with focus on multi-agent systems (MAS), multi-user virtual reality (MUVR), and mobile augmented reality applications (MARA). He is interested in merging Data Science and Virtual Reality for Advanced Visualization. He has acquired several research grants from various funding agencies such a Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Army Research Laboratory (ARL), and the National Science Foundation (NSF). He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed conference, books, and journal articles in top conferences.

Cortnie Abercrombie
As a recognized AI and data analytics expert, Cortnie Abercrombie was asked to be a Founding Editorial Board Member for Springer Nature's AI and Ethics journal. She was named one of “12 Brilliant Women in Artificial Intelligence & Ethics to Watch,” one of the “Top 100 Innovators in Data and Analytics,” and one of “10 Big Data Experts to Know.” She's a top advisor to Fortune 500 companies on responsible artificial intelligence and data innovation practices. She is also the CEO and founder of AI Truth, a non-profit organization dedicated to responsible creation and use of AI.

Junhua Ding
Dr. Junhua Ding is a Professor of Data Science in the Department of Information Science, University of North Texas (UNT). He is the Director of Data Science Programs (undergraduate and graduate) at UNT. He was a faculty member with the Department of Computer Science at East Carolina University (ECU) before he joined UNT in 2018. His research interests include Data Analytics, Computational Law, Biomedical Computation, Information Security and Privacy, and Software Engineering.