6.3 Creating a Landing Page for your Collection

A landing page is the first thing viewers will see when they click the link directing them to the collection. Its purpose is to provide a brief introduction about the language and the content of the collection. Here is an example from the Boro Language Resource. There are three parts to the Landing Page: (1) Title of the Collection, (2) Thumbnail Image and (3) Collection Description.

(1) Title of the Collection:

[collection language name] Language Resource

(2) Thumbnail Image 

  • Depositors have the option to provide an image for the landing page icon. 
  • Images can include photographs, symbols, or other depictions that have cultural/community significance.
  • CoRSAL requires that images have dimensions of 200x200 pixels.
  • If depositors are unable or choose not to contribute a thumbnail, CoRSAL will provide a stock thumbnail for the collection.

(3) Collection Description

  • Paragraph 1: About the Language
    • Indicate that speakers of [language] can be found [city, country] [longitude, latitude]. 
    • Give the language's ISO 639-3 code, or a Glottocode. You may also include other names the language is known by, such as older names of the language.
    • If possible, indicate where further information about the language can be found [reference]. 
    • If possible/relevant, give the village names and identify additional varieties (dialects) of the language. If your collection includes multiple varieties, please list them.
    • If relevant, note that an item represents the dialect of a single speaker.
    • If possible, follow this with a translation of the same material in the collection language.
  • Paragraph 2: About funding and team contributions
    • If this is a funded project:
      • Use the following wording: This project is a collection of [audio/video/text/photo] digital resources for the community of [Language Name] speakers, for the revitalization of their language and culture. It was funded with support from [Project Funder(s)], and the project director is [Name].
    • If this is a community collection:
      • Use the following wording: This is a community collection of [audio/video/text/photo] resources on [language] covering [generation(s)/time period of collection]. The resources were collected by [Name].
      • Include the names of anybody else on the project team that needs to be mentioned to reaffirm their role.
  • Paragraph 3: About the Collection
    • Describe the contents of the collection. For example, you can say what genres are represented in your collection--songs, poems, traditional narratives. If your collection is a series of recordings from community events, for example, list which festivals and events these recordings were made at.
    • Say how the materials were collected, and who the major contributors are.